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Saturday, August 27, 2022

Results of Evolution

 Results of Evolution

By Richard P. Joseph


I have been working in a microbiology laboratory for most of my career.  Please see my article called “Proof of Creation”. 

In times past most scientists used creation science as the basis of their thinking.  People like Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek and others.  These men made discoveries that were productive, viable and useful.  They understood that God created the universe and that the biblical account was usable and sure.  Operating within that system, scientific discovery exploded exponentially such that in a few short years the entire earth was transformed from spear and javelin to flying into outer space.  But now, in an era where biblical thought is shunned and silenced, what type of science can we expect.
Biblical science, for example, assures us that there are two sexes.  Today’s modern atheistic science rejects that notion.  In our new atheist world we are told that there really are no real genders as one can now choose what they are!   Anything goes.  You can be a non-binary, transvestite, amorphous blob for example.  Or you can be a cat, dog, worm or any other “furry”.  Also, there is no such thing as genetic predictability.  The bible teaches that the seed for each organism is within itself and therefore produces predictable fruit.  Each will produce its own kind.  But not today.  Today we get what are called emerging pathogens.  This is where scientists forcibly manipulate the genetic material of an organism so that it produces something slightly different than its predecessor.  That is how we get Genetically Modified Foods.  That is also how we get HIV and COVID.  Back when HIV came out I was a young man beginning my career as a Medical Technologist.  It sounded confusing to me at first but I fully didn’t grasp what was going on until I read a book called “Inventing the AIDS virus”  by a Nobel prize winning scientist named Dr. Peter Deusberg.  In it he questioned the legitimacy of a virus just popping up out of nowhere.  He certainly understood Koch’s Postulates which were compiled by another 19th century real scientist, Robert Koch.  But today’s modern liberals are discarding Koch’s work and replacing it with junk evolutionary science.  Once I read Deusberg’s book, I realized that we were all lied to.  Now, the same person who brought us the HIV/AIDS hoax has now brought us the COVID hoax.  Anthony Fauci is a serial killer.  When COVID came out I immediately knew something was amiss.  And how did I know that?  It's easy; there is no such thing as evolution so when I heard that a new emerging virus just happened to pop out of nowhere, or it evolved from a bat virus, then I automatically knew it was a hoax.   You see, Louis Pasteur already proved that spontaneous generation was untrue.  Therefore it is easy for someone like me to quickly question something that is a scientific hoax but the average person who does not have a science background is subject to the lies of evolutionary scientists.  So when someone tries to tell you that there is an emerging disease coming your way, you know they are either lying or that they actually manipulated that organism in the lab in order to scam the citizens of this earth and always for evil purposes.  This is called “gain of function” research and it is illegal in most cases.  So what really is my purpose for writing this article?

The first reason is to inform you that you have been lied to in many cases and most recently about HIV and COVID.  And the second reason would be to help you understand that the creation account in the book of Genesis is not allegory, it is a true account of creation and nothing in it has ever been proven incorrect while at the same time not one thing about evolution has ever been verified or observed.  Moreover, while creation science has produced viable inventions and explanations, the evolutionary method has produced nothing but confusion, lies, hoaxes and death.  Jesus told us that we would know them by their fruits and anyone that is still confused about this matter is probably confused on purpose.  If you are truly seeking the truth then simply follow Jesus Christ and he will lead you from water to water and will never let you down.  You will no longer be confused or deceived.  You will be set free at once. 

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