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Friday, September 22, 2017

Earthquakes in various places

Earthquakes in Various Places
By Richard P. Joseph

We are all familiar with the Olivet discourse as Jesus was instructing his disciples of what was soon to occur specifically concerning his parousia in judgement against unfaithful Israel.  In Matthew 24:7 Jesus tells them that there would be famines and earthquakes in various places.  Jesus said this would signal the beginning of the end.  
This verse is a godsend, pardon the pun, to futurist during this past month.  With a stellar line-up of hurricanes hitting the islands and gulf and earthquakes striking Mexico this past month alone, futurist prophecy of Christ’s return is in high gear.  The only problem with that is that every time there is a huge earthquake, futurist prophecy organizations go into high gear as this is opportune time to rake in the money from gullible people.
Another slight problem is that none of the disciples get to see it.
Matthew 24:9 clearly puts the disciples into the mix of final events indicating that the second coming would be in their lifetimes.  
9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.
Another problem is Revelation 16.  Revelation 16:17-21 seems to support the Matthew 24 earthquake scenario.  
17 Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, “It is done!” 18 And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth. 19 Now the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. And great Babylon was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath. 20 Then every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. 21 And great hail from heaven fell upon men, each hailstone about the weight of a talent. Men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, since that plague was exceedingly great.                                                    Verses 18-19 indicate that there was an earthquake so severe that it was unique to the earth.  Now, if I remember right, during the flood the earth quaked so bad that the foundations of the great deep broke up releasing oceans of water.  This water, coupled with the water from the ice canopy above the earth, resulted in the deluge of Noah’s days.  No earthquake in the first century, and there were many, nor after was ever as huge as during the flood.  That is why this particular earthquake is of a different sort.  Here is what we know about this particular earthquake;  1. It was in Jerusalem (Great Babylon), not in Cuba or the Virgin Islands or Mexico, 2. Great hailstones weighing a talent rained down on them to make matters worse, 3. The city was divided into three parts by it.  4. It was the complete end of an era (verse 17).
So, what we need to find out is when was Jerusalem divided into three parts by a severe “earthquake” and when were talent sized hailstones pounding the city?  
What we know from historical accounts from Josephus et al is that during the Jewish war against Rome, the zealot factions began a rebellion between AD 64-70.  The zealot factions finally broke into three distinct groups lead by Eleazar B. Ananias, John of Gischala and Simon B. Giora.  Eleazar secured the temple mount as his base of operations.  John controlled the lower part of the city while Simon held the upper section of Jerusalem.  They were entangled in a heated three sided civil war thinking that Jerusalem would soon be freed from Roman occupation and one of them would become king of Israel.  This effectively divided Jerusalem up into three parts like never before. What ensued were plagues and pestilences causing men to curse God for the plague.  Once they adequately weakened themselves and the people in their bloody war of greed, the Romans finally arrived and, according to Josephus, slung burning stones against the city weighing a talent each.  And this all occurring during a 3 ½ period of time we like to call the outpouring of wrath (see verse 19 above).  
The earthquake that hit while Jesus was on the cross had a specific spiritual dimension attached to it just like this one did.  When the ground shook while he was on the cross it tore the curtain in the temple in two exposing the holy of holies.  This second earthquake split the harlot in pieces exposing them to the Roman army for a final destruction of a corrupt and unfaithful people thus completing the parousia of Christ.  
Ezekiel also talks about Jerusalem being split in three in chapter 5. His prophecy may very well describe this era and I encourage you to read through that also.

Maybe I can’t prove my point but everything seems to fit like a glove.  So, while scam false messiahs are running around setting up coin exchange tables at every church, I smile and drive right past them.  Knowing the truth and having a grasp of real history keeps me safe from being deceived just like Jesus warned the disciples about.  If you would like more information on first century history, I recommend getting a copy of “The Final Decade” by Ed Stevens at www.preterist.org .  One thing that I have found out is that most, and I mean most, Christians have no clue about historical biblical studies.  I actually don’t know much myself but the little I know has truly enhanced my understanding of the bible and of prophecy.  As always, if you have any questions concerning fulfilled prophecy, leave me a comment.  

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