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Thursday, September 8, 2016

The New Jerusalem; part 3

The New Jerusalem; part 3

We have previously discussed how the New Jerusalem represents a corrected position between man and God.  Cosmologically we are no longer separated by original sin as Jesus himself made atonement for us.  Our interaction with the heavenly realm is a reality as a believer and a destination for our souls for eternity.  His kingdom come, his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  But when did this happen and who is it for?
While futurists are still waiting for this to occur, preterists understand that this shift happened at the AD 70 event.  Futurists use the same method that evolutionists use in order to bamboozle their followers.  Since evolution cannot be observed (because it never happened) they came up with the millions of years scenario.  That way the uneducated can be fooled into believing something that has absolutely no evidence to support it.  Futurist use the same tactics to fool people into believing a doctrine that is obviously not in the bible.  Biblical prophecy “really” does have a timetable, otherwise you can say anything and get away with it.  If a prophet predicts an event then it “must” happen and it must happen in an observable way.  The parousia of Christ was no exception.  Perhaps that is one reason for the increased apathy for church teaching.  Everything is untouchable.  Preterism puts the bible into a tangible position where we can, not only prove that Jesus is correct, but allows us to participate in the biblical world.  The parousia which brought forth the New Jerusalem may have happened 2,000 years ago but we today should be reaping the benefits of it.  Daniel chapter 12 clearly outlines the resurrection which probably occurred in AD 66.  This is the event that emptied Hades of its contents then the wrath was poured out on the unfaithful harlot.  The New Jerusalem would appear after the sack of Jerusalem.  This marked the end of the Old Jerusalem and the ushering in of the New Jerusalem.  The New Jerusalem gives back what was lost in the garden of Eden and that is our relationship with our creator.  And it is for us today, not for someone in the unforeseen future.  I believe we are squandering what was meant to be a blessing for the entire earth.  We had a short glimpse of it’s greatness through the early United States where Christianity was cherished and utilized to create a country that completely changed the world.  Sadly we are now reverting back to the archaic way of doing things which will put us back into the dark ages if we do not wake up.
The New Heavens and New Earth are here so it would be a tragic mistake to still be acting like we are under the curse when the curse has been dealt a fatal blow by the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb.  So let this article be encouragement to embrace God’s power that he has offered us a long time ago.  The tears of sin have been wiped away and the leaves are here to heal the nations.

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