Lenin, Lennon & Marx
(No, this isn’t a law firm)
By Richard P. Joseph
Ex-president Jimmy Carter recently passed away and many famous celebrities attended his funeral. Carter, a pro-abortion left wing democrat, lived to 100 years old and was well known as a “Christian” who promoted many philanthropic organizations. I don’t know who planned his funeral but it was a reflection of his myopic view of life. His funeral was held at the Washington National Cathedral and featured many scripture readings and spiritual songs. Then it was capped off by the famous country singer, Garth Brooks, singing Imagine! No, this isn’t a joke, it really happened and that is why I write.
The song “Imagine”, which was written by John Lennon, is actually the Communist Manifesto set to music. This haunting, yet beautiful song, has been recorded and celebrated by many rock stars and played at a myriad of occasions as if it is somehow a song of peace, love and togetherness. For it to be played at Carter's funeral tells how misconstrued Carter’s faith was. Here he is, a so-called faithful follower of Jesus Christ, being memorialized in a so-called Christian Church, by an atheist rock star singing a song written by an atheist rock star, about a world without God, without heaven, without hell, without any countries, and all the people owning nothing and being happy. I would say that Jimmy Carter was rolling over in his casket but I didn’t see any movement which leads me to think he was just fine with it just like he lived his life by promoting abortion and homosexuality. Here is an excerpt found on the internet:
By Bob Allen
Former President Jimmy Carter, the world’s most famous Sunday school teacher, said Sept. 22 he supports LGBT equality because Jesus didn’t discriminate against people based on their identity.
Obviously he believes in blasphemy also.
John Lennon was born in 1940 in Liverpool, England, a western Christianized country. He grew up in a broken family which came out in many of his songs such as God, Imagine, Mother etc. He was born at the outset of WWII. One of the funniest quotes I have ever heard was by Ringo Starr when he said “My mother told me ‘when I was born, WWII started’” John Lennon was born during these turbulent times and lived in a broken family. However, using his unusual talent he formed the most famous rock group in history, the Beatles, and became a multi-millionaire. Apparently he never stopped to notice the starving Russian people of his day standing in long bread lines attempting to get a morsel of food to feed their starving families. That is because the Soviet Union was forced into communism by one Vladimir Lenin in 1917. Lenin got his ideas from a Jewish idiot named Karl Marx. The goal of Marx was to disassemble the family unit and usher in poverty, chaos, atheism, sexual perversion, oppression and violence. That is exactly what the song Imagine is promoting.
I remember when my kids were on the football team in high school and we played at Swartz Creek High School during their senior night. The Swartz Creek athletic department wanted to send their seniors off to a bright future and had them all take the field after the game to wish them farewell. They then blasted out John Lennon’s song Imagine over the loudspeakers as the kids marched around the field with candles in hand. Can you imagine (pardon the pun) sending your kid into a world of no God, no hope, no country, no peace, no heaven, no hell, no money, no possession, no government, no nuttin’.
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics attempted that but finally had to give it up. It is funny how hunger can make you change your mind in a hurry. Communism is a hopeless, dark and desperate proposition but it is something that woes young uneducated kids to. Like a siren that lured many a lonely sailor to their death, they just keep singing. Just like the song, it uses deception and lies to fool the masses into a mind numbing mess. Communism is something that will always plague us with its presence. We, in fact, now have an entire political party dedicated to it which will need to be beaten back during every generation. The lure of “free stuff” will never go away. This is a fight that every new generation will have to fight. The only antidote is to have fathers that teach their families the gospel of Jesus Christ. Keep up the fight. Pray. Study. Don’t be fooled. Just think, if we play the song backwards we will have hope, love, God, a country, possessions, law, families, heaven and peace.
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