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Monday, September 23, 2024

If it feels good, do it!

 If it feels good, do it!

By Richard P. Joseph


John Adams is one of my favorite historical figures.  To me, the portly 5’7” man stands larger than life.  There were many great figures of our American Revolution including Samual Adams who seemed to be the instigator, George Washington, who was the might, Thomas Jefferson, the articulator and then there was John Adams, the one that all of those efforts seemed to be resting upon when it came right down to producing a product.  Adams was the product himself of a long line of Puritan Christians who would not, and could not, bend under pressure.  He held fast to his Christian morals at all cost and proved himself one of the most disciplined men of all time.  And while not all Americans stood as fast as Adams, there was a time when many Americans did hold to those same Christian morals as Adams held to.  

As I read through the two volume work of Page Smith’s biography of John Adams, and Original Intent by David Barton, one theme seems to repeat itself, that Christian morals are a necessity in order to keep a nation from falling apart.  John and Abigail Adams, who both spent much time in France, were disgusted with the products of the so-called “French enlightenment”.   The American revolution produced a nation faithful to Jesus Christ whereas the French revolution did quite the opposite; it rejected the gospel and embraced the darkness of man’s own morbid mind, producing a sexually promiscuous society that degraded their once Christian moral fabric.  That perversion is still very active today in France.  On page 915, Page Smith summarized that the American nation could recover after a tough presidential campaign for the simple reason that “among Americans there was a common consensus-common traditions and ideals- that lay deeper than the transient passions of party and faction.  As long as that remarkable consensus held fast, the nation would somehow endure.”    We now, in the 21st century, seem to have lost that common consensus.

Beginning in the 20th century, specifically in the 1960’s our common Christian heritage came under intense assault.  This attack was very reminiscent of the French enlightenment.  The hippie mantra of “If it feels good, do it”  was code for “Reject Christ and the established order” or in shorthand “stick it to the man”.  This was America's sexual revolution which produced all manner of debauchery, disease, sin, illegitimacy and social entropy.  It has finally matured and now, in 2024, we are on the cusp of losing our once great nation.  We are now in a free fall moving quickly into atheistic communism.  Once Christianity is rejected, our moral compass fails and all sense of freedom is lost.  Oppression and poverty is then the only possible option.  Freedom is unique to Christianity and once Christianity is replaced, so is freedom.  It is a scientific and mathematical equation that cannot be reworked into another product.  Just like a chemical reaction, it must absolutely work 100% of the time.  

Christianity + acceptance=Freedom and prosperity.

Christianity + rejection=oppression, suppression and poverty.

My favorite John Adams quote is one that he said during a speech to the Massachusetts Militia;

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion…Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.  

What Adams is basically saying is that our constitution allows so much freedom that the only citizens that are able to live under it are those that have strong Christian morals.  Once those morals are absent, we must live under a dictator.  There is no other choice.  The hippies finally grew up and became our presidents and our legislators and our judges.  We are in the beginning stages of communism.  In fact this article will be banned on many platforms.  This is how communism works.  There is no freedom of speech, no freedom to defend yourselves and no incentive to improve your lot in life; in other words “social entropy” and death.  

We were all warned by God about social degradation in the bible and especially in God’s law.  Most people think God was joking when he gave Moses the ten commandments.  The fifth commandment reads like this;

Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

Most people only read the first part but you seldom hear the second part which ties your national existence in your homeland to the honoring of your parents.  In other words, once the family structure and order is compromised, your country becomes exposed and then deposed.  Moses warned the Israelites about this in the book of Deuteronomy and they didn’t listen and their days in their promised land was cut short in AD 70.   In today's hippie generated society, many kids don’t even know who their father is.  And even if they have a father, he isn’t doing his job of disciplining and teaching his children the ways of the eternal God.  In fact, it is now offensive to even say that a dad is necessary.  I can go on and on about this subject but suffice it to say that our national existence is inextricably tied to our moral fabric.  This really is an existential threat.  We will absolutely lose our nation if we do not have a massive great awakening immediately.  I hope and pray that that won’t happen but I can’t bend the rules of science, I can only follow the laws of nature and nature tells me that we must reverse our moral compass in order to survive this coming onslaught.   

 To sum this article up, I will now quote the giver of life himself;

Matthew 7:13-14

13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 [c]Because narrow is the gate and [d]difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

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