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Monday, April 3, 2023

Common Era

 Common era

By Richard P. Joseph

Over the past several years, especially during a democratic regime, we have watched as liberal groups such as ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter tore down as many statues and monuments of American history as possible with the goal of destroying American society as a whole. They have no plans to rebuild anything constructive, only destroy.  That is how evil works.  If they could build anything back, which they can’t, it would be some blend of communism mixed with sexual perversion.  Since they are controlled purely by evil, that limits them to destruction only, there is no plan to “build back better” like the Democrat false narrative exclaims.  It is pure catabolism and never metabolism.  

Tearing down statues and burning down cities is only one way to push their agenda, there are other ways.  The main modus operandi that left wing atheists use is by way of false narratives.  As a quick guide, “If a democrat is speaking, they are lying”.  I don’t mean that to be funny, I really mean it.  Since the prerequisite to being a democrat is the rejection of Jesus Christ, then it is impossible to tell the truth.  If your foundation is off then anything that you build upon it is off kilter and skewed.  So, even if they try to tell the truth, they can’t.  False narrative is their only weapon being that they can’t produce anything functional.  Every time the big news comes on, it is all false narratives.  There are other false narratives too that most people don’t catch.  

One of the most common false narratives is the replacement of AD (Anno Domini) with CE (common era) and BC (Before Christ) with BCE (Before Common Era).  The use of AD and BC is functional because it represents a real time marker; that is, the birth of Jesus Christ.  This is an actual historical event that can be confirmed (of course there were some original mistakes with the exact date but that isn’t the point).   AD represents the Christian Era.  Time was always marked by the reigning king in ancient times.  It is no different now.  Therefore, it is the year of the King of kings 2023 right now.  Jesus is the reigning king and will be forever.  The false narrative CE has no time marker and is therefore illegitimate.  The only function of CE is to brainwash the next generation into embracing atheism.  It is a direct attack on Christianity.  It is a direct attack on America.  It is the ultimate statue tear down.  Anyone who uses it is attacking our Christian heritage.  I suggest that you complain to every editor that allows it in their papers.  I suggest we strike it from our schools.  I suggest you loudly and boldly disapprove of it in public and in private.  Remember, there is no such thing as “Common Era”, it represents nothing but atheism.  It has no time marker and no history.  It is only the destruction of American and western history.  We live in the “Year of the Lord” and that is the only acceptable time marker we have. Common era is really just Common error.

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