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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Eat and Run

 Eat and Run

By Richard P. Joseph   


    In Exodus 12:11 God tells Israel to get ready to “eat and run”.

And thus you shall eat it: [c]with a belt on your waist, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. So you shall eat it in haste. It is the Lord’s Passover.”

According to today's modern interpretation that scripture means that we should eat our meals with bags packed ready to leave Egypt at any moment.  Right?  Why not?  

    Jesus gave the disciples similar instructions.  In Matthew 24:17-18 Jesus tells them to “eat and run”.  

17 Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. 18 And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. 

Those that were in Judea were to flee and run when they saw the signs that Jesus described.  So, my question is this; if the modern interpretation for this verse means that thousands of years later they were to eat and run then why not interpret the first Passover the same way?  Why would God keep his promise to Moses but not to Peter?  If Moses really thought that their deliverance was nigh at hand then why wouldn’t Peter think the same thing?  Why would God tell Moses the truth but fool Peter?

    All of those are legitimate questions.  It is quite obvious that all of the New Testament writers believed Jesus as they wrote using imminent language such that they believed the end was at hand.  History bears out that they were correct.  In fact there is more history confirming the destruction of the temple and the sacking of Israel than there is of the exodus of Israel from Egypt.  Josephus left us a first hand documentation of it.  With so much knowledge of the “end of the age”, how is it possible to get the wrong interpretation of it?  It may be because we have a “me” based view of the bible but that was not so in ancient Israel.  Israel had a “God” based view of scripture.  With the me based view we always see God as our magical genie.  It is about our health and wealth.  It is about “I, me, mine” to quote George Harrison (the Beatle).  When you have a me based view you are 100% sure to get an inaccurate interpretation of scripture.  Although we do benefit from God’s plan, the scripture is really focused on God, not us.  We must learn to interpret scripture from an ancient point of view and with God as the focus point.  We must never add or detract from scripture, we are just to believe it as written and to what audience it was written to and understand the time statements according to their vantage point, not ours.

    The only thing “eat and run” does for me is give me indigestion.  However, for the first century Jew, it meant life.  It meant the escape from bondage.  It meant that destruction was about to befall those that disobeyed and failed to believe.  If they believed, then we need to also. Amen.

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