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Saturday, January 4, 2020

Zionism and apostasy

Zionism and apostasy
By Richard P. Joseph

    I drive a lot so every now and again I attempt to find a good sermon on the radio to make up for me quitting church but I not only hear the same old tired futurist messages, this time it was full blown.  I happened upon a Zionist who was explaining how they believe they know where the ark and other temple treasures are buried and that once the officials agree to expose this then the “temple” is the only appropriate place for them to be properly displayed; hence a third temple must be built which would of course usher in the second coming scenario replete with the anti-christ etc etc etc.  He made it clear that they are working hard to force this to happen. They can do all of this because their theology is make belief and therefore they can make it up as they go using pieces of scripture to fool the masses. But who will explain this stuff once it runs its course?
    After the resurrection of Jesus, two disciples were traveling to Emmaus discussing the current events of the life of Jesus and his mysterious resurrection from the dead.  Jesus met them and opened the scriptures up to them explaining that the entire message of his ministry is hidden in there. He probably showed them how the seven Jewish holidays embodied the entire suffering, death, resurrection, indwelling of the Holy Spirit and second coming events but that they were such that could not be faked.  There was no way for any human to fake the events that transpired from the birth of Christ until he returned at the AD 70 events. But now we have a bunch of Zionists who are going to do exactly that: fake the second coming of Christ!
    The Zionists believe that they are going to do what God is incapable of doing.  I believe they are sick and tired of waiting for an event that is never going to come because it already had its complete fulfilment 2,000 years ago.  This coming snow job will be one of the largest hoaxes known to mankind even surpassing evolution, global warming, the HIV/AIDS hoax and COVID. The events that the Zionists are pushing for will spawn unnecessary wars and mass chaos.  Most of all it will spin the churches into a great confusion as they fall prey to this false theology. It may even cause them to accept a false earthly Christ. The devastation would be world wide and the confusion would be pushed to hysteria.  So, where will we be in all of this?
My hope is that the conservative branch of the Preterist movement would stand fast as perhaps the only beacon of stability during this time of confusion and eventual apostasy.  I can’t think of another group that is better positioned and able to weather this coming storm. We must pray that God will have his hand on us as we encounter the frantic mess that would be caused by their efforts to force the hand of God with false doctrine.  We might seem insignificant now but our time is coming when we can finally present the unadulterated scripture to the world. It is sad that it might take WWIII to accomplish this but that is where we are heading as the Zionists are influencing world leaders with their faulty theology.
This could all be avoided with sound fulfilled theology. Most people do not understand that the Jewish religion today has absolutely nothing to do with scriptural Judaism which perished in AD 70. What we have today is Rabbinical Judaism. When the Romans leveled the temple in AD70, some Jewish priests asked the Roman general Titus for permission to start a Jewish school. That was the beginning of Rabbinical Judaism as there was no more temple, no more sacrifices, no more genealogical records to prove Levitical priesthood etc. The Judaism of today is a made up religion just like Islam. The New Jerusalem is the church. Zionist eschatology is false and dangerous and needs to be exposed for what it is.
As a postscript I would like to say that I would be ecstatic if they found the temple implements.  I think it would be wonderful to see these items and use them as a wonderful testimony to our faith and the hope of the world.  This would be the greatest archaeological discovery of all time. I just don’t want to lie about these items and use them for destruction or monetary gain.  Our hope is in the everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ, not in a false narrative about the end of the world!

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