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Monday, June 10, 2019

2,000 Years; Squandered

2,000 Years; Squandered
By Richard P. Joseph

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When God created Adam and Eve, they enjoyed.
dominion over the earth for maybe seven years
or so; then they sinned.  Man wandered on the
face of the earth at which time evil gripped the
very soul of man to the point that God wiped
the earth clean of all mankind.  Through Noah,
the earth was replenished once again and man
quickly once again fell into a degraded state of
corruption. Some goodness resurfaced with a
few people like Abraham at which time God
made a covenant with him and his seed to be
the people of the true and eternal God on
earth.  God sent Moses to establish that people
as a holy nation unto God. But again it was
squandered. The people were empowered like
no other nation to do good but they constantly
fell into sin and idolatry. So God finally sent his
son to the rescue but they mocked him, beat
him, rejected him and finally murdered
him.  So Jesus sent his apostles into the world
to establish a new priesthood that would then
become his holy nation on the earth and would
take it away from those that squandered it in
the first place. He kept that promise and in AD
66-70 he returned and destroyed the old
system and brought forth a new nation, a holy
priesthood that has the power to rule the world
with love, strength and justice.  
It has been 2,000 years now since the
Christian Nation has been given this
power and once again it has been mostly
squandered.  It is clear that the Christian
nations have led the world in advancements
in every way including quality of life. The
Christian nations are the champions of freedom
and equity for their people and have blessed all
other nations on earth but this can all change if
the status quo does not change.  I can see the
world starting to go into a “mocking” mode
concerning the return of Christ and they have
every right to do so. People are getting weary
of being promised something that is never
going to happen. By preaching faulty doctrine,
this just gives the opponents of Christianity
more fodder to bash us with.  This is why true
conservative preterism must advance and
replace the futurist doctrine that is
preached in nearly all churches today.
Preterism offers a true and unadulterated
view of biblical, and secular history.  
Most of all, it can change the attitude of
Christians from defeatist to champion.
It can embolden us to take our proper position
on this earth.  Jesus Christ is the truth.
Jesus Christ is relevant. Jesus Christ is
productive. Jesus Christ is fruitful. So, why
are the churches teaching their flocks to sit
back and allow all sorts of evil to rule the
world instead of taking charge and advancing
the kingdom of Christ?  It is because they are
teaching the defeatist doctrine of futurism.
They want their flocks to sit around and wait
for the big jesus to appear in the sky and beat the
bad guys up and then take a physical thrown on
earth and then beat the other bad guys up since
they won’t do it themselves.  
The truth is, is that Jesus already did his part,
he is waiting for us to do ours.
He is with us but we are not with him.
We should be boldly taking control of
this earth and cleaning it up. The time is now
and here, not in some unclear
distant eon that nobody can ever define.
Jesus already defined the time and
completed it, it is our job now to walk the path
that he has cleared for us.  

Daniel 7:22... until the Ancient of Days came,
and a judgment was made in favor
of the saints of the Most High, and the time
came for the saints to possess the

If we possess the kingdom, why are we
squandering it?

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