Shooting Stars!
By Richard P. Joseph

I remember when I was a kid and looking up into the night sky I noticed a streak
of light zipping by and asked what it was. I was told it was a “shooting star”.
Recently my wife and I were watching tv in the evening and all of the sudden the
sky lit up. Since it was not raining we thought maybe there was a storm
approaching. However, about 30 seconds later the house shook. We saw in the
news later that it was a meteorite that struck the earth about 40 miles away. I
was shocked when recently I heard an adult talking about “shooting stars” as if
they were really stars shooting across the sky.
of light zipping by and asked what it was. I was told it was a “shooting star”.
Recently my wife and I were watching tv in the evening and all of the sudden the
sky lit up. Since it was not raining we thought maybe there was a storm
approaching. However, about 30 seconds later the house shook. We saw in the
news later that it was a meteorite that struck the earth about 40 miles away. I
was shocked when recently I heard an adult talking about “shooting stars” as if
they were really stars shooting across the sky.
As any educated person knows, a meteor is not a real star but rather a small
rock or other extraterrestrial debris that enters into the earth’s atmosphere and
burns up (thankfully) due to the friction. Of course there is evidence that quite
large meteorites have struck the earth in times past and have left craters on our
planet. I obviously had to explain this to my friend that real stars are not striking
the earth!
rock or other extraterrestrial debris that enters into the earth’s atmosphere and
burns up (thankfully) due to the friction. Of course there is evidence that quite
large meteorites have struck the earth in times past and have left craters on our
planet. I obviously had to explain this to my friend that real stars are not striking
the earth!
But don’t tell that to most Christians or you’ll get an ear full. They will start
quoting scriptures like Matthew 24:29
quoting scriptures like Matthew 24:29
29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and
the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of
the heavens will be shaken.
the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of
the heavens will be shaken.
Most Christians are still waiting for Jesus to return in the sky and the sun will
turn off, the moon will not reflect and the stars will fall down. If you are someone
who believes that in a literal sense can you please tell me which way the stars
will fall? Do they fall up, down, to the side, which way is up, which way is down?
Where do they fall to? These articles are mostly written for those that have
been taught faulty theology their entire life. My short articles are to introduce
you to the proper way to interpret scripture. I certainly do not know everything
but I can lead you to real scholars that do. What I do here is what most pastors
ask us to do; they say “check my sermon out in scripture”. So I do and many
times they are mistaken. To not understand the blatant theme that the “second
coming” of Christ was an event that was to occur in the first century is a huge
miscalculation. So, back to the stars falling down.
turn off, the moon will not reflect and the stars will fall down. If you are someone
who believes that in a literal sense can you please tell me which way the stars
will fall? Do they fall up, down, to the side, which way is up, which way is down?
Where do they fall to? These articles are mostly written for those that have
been taught faulty theology their entire life. My short articles are to introduce
you to the proper way to interpret scripture. I certainly do not know everything
but I can lead you to real scholars that do. What I do here is what most pastors
ask us to do; they say “check my sermon out in scripture”. So I do and many
times they are mistaken. To not understand the blatant theme that the “second
coming” of Christ was an event that was to occur in the first century is a huge
miscalculation. So, back to the stars falling down.
The 19th century scholar, James Stuart Russell says this in his book (page 289)
The Parousia:
The Parousia:
“The key to the interpretation of this passage is to be found in the prophecy of
Haggai. On comparing the prophetic symbols in that book it will be seen that
‘shaking heaven and earth’ is evidently emblematic of, and synonymous with,
‘overthrowing thrones, destroying kingdoms,’ and similar social and political
revolutions (Haggai ii.21,22). Such tropes and metaphors are the very elements
of prophetic description, and it would be absurd to insist upon the literal
fulfilment of such figures.”
Haggai. On comparing the prophetic symbols in that book it will be seen that
‘shaking heaven and earth’ is evidently emblematic of, and synonymous with,
‘overthrowing thrones, destroying kingdoms,’ and similar social and political
revolutions (Haggai ii.21,22). Such tropes and metaphors are the very elements
of prophetic description, and it would be absurd to insist upon the literal
fulfilment of such figures.”
When Jesus and the apostles used such dramatic language, the people of that
day understood it. Nobody who was listening to Jesus on the Mount of Olives
thought the stars were going to fall down. It is only “us” that think that. They
would have understood that he meant that kings and thrones and eras were
coming to an end. Jesus assured them that the end of their way of life under
the Mosaic law was coming to a close and that a new order was at hand. All of
the New Testament writers understood it that way as they all preached an
imminent close to the current age they were in. They were expecting to
experience Christ at his appearing and rejoice in it. Not one writer ever
expressed a long and protracted wait for this to happen.
It is only us in these days that have misinterpreted apocalyptic language and day understood it. Nobody who was listening to Jesus on the Mount of Olives
thought the stars were going to fall down. It is only “us” that think that. They
would have understood that he meant that kings and thrones and eras were
coming to an end. Jesus assured them that the end of their way of life under
the Mosaic law was coming to a close and that a new order was at hand. All of
the New Testament writers understood it that way as they all preached an
imminent close to the current age they were in. They were expecting to
experience Christ at his appearing and rejoice in it. Not one writer ever
expressed a long and protracted wait for this to happen.
have made it mean something that no one in the first century ever dreamed it
would mean. The prediction Jesus made is an interesting story that most
church goers never even heard of. If you want to learn more about it ask and I
can suggest where to go. So don’t worry, the stars are not going to fall to the
earth, they already did 2,000 years ago!
would mean. The prediction Jesus made is an interesting story that most
church goers never even heard of. If you want to learn more about it ask and I
can suggest where to go. So don’t worry, the stars are not going to fall to the
earth, they already did 2,000 years ago!
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