Woe to Those
By Richard P. Joseph
Mass murderer, Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood.
Isaiah 5:20-21
20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
And prudent in their own sight!
The prophet Isaiah had strong words for the people of Israel during his lifetime. The corruption of God’s then chosen people was out of control which led God to lead them into captivity for 70 years by the Babylonians. They suffered the loss of their temple and homeland but God eventually brought them back for a second chance, which of course, they blew that too. This was a people who reversed everything that the law of God called for, putting their selfish and sinful life first. They were a master of deception and called the pure and holy things of God and earth evil, while calling all manner of impurity, evil, sexual perversion and worship of idols good; just like our modern day democratic party and big media do today.
Recently, Joe Biden, the false president of the United States, honored a mass murderer with the Presidential Medal of Freedom by awarding it to Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood. Just like when they commandeered the rainbow, which used to be a sign of peace between God and the earth, and made it into a sign of violent sexual perversion, they now reward a woman who is responsible for the torture and murder of millions of babies, with the Medal of Freedom. It is as if Joe Biden read Isaiah’s words and purposefully fulfilled them. This is a perfect example of what Isaiah was warning against. The Democratic Party calls evil good and good evil. In today’s, so called, post Christian era, everything that is evil is called good and everything that is dark is called light. Children are nothing more than objects to be molested and mutilated instead of nurtured and protected. Marriage today has no real meaning and the traditional family is scoffed at. Even the words “planned parenthood” means “plan to not parenthood” as the goal is to slaughter your children. Young kids are growing up thinking that communism is good and freedom is bad. So what can be done about it?
Pray, repent and teach. The iniquity must be broken and the gospel must be taught. Men must once again take charge over their families. They must pray and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. They must repent of their sin and they must actively teach their families the gospel of Christ. Going to church does not replace the man’s job of being the priest of his own family. He alone is responsible for teaching his wife and his children the scripture. He alone is responsible for living a holy life. The change must begin in the family unit. By the way, a family consists of a father, a mother and their children. Those that don’t have all of that need to do the best they can without it but the goal is to produce strong, stable families all across this land. The family unit is the core building block of society. The stronger the family, the stronger the community the stronger the nation. The liberals will again attempt to call two perverts a family but woe to them. Keep the standard and don’t bend. Keep the faith and don’t flounder. Keep the truth and don’t be fooled. Call good, good and evil, evil. Be brave and stand tall. Never cower and never back down.