
By Richard P. Joseph
I remember reading a children's book about a kid who wanted his grandpa to take him fishing.
Each time he saw his grandpa he would ask about the fishing trip and the response was
always “someday” I will take you fishing. Finally the kid checked the calendar and found that
it had Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday and Saturday but he couldn’t
find Someday. He finally asked his mom why he couldn’t find Someday on the calendar and
she told him that it was not on the calendar. She had to explain to the poor kid that Someday
is really never.
Each time he saw his grandpa he would ask about the fishing trip and the response was
always “someday” I will take you fishing. Finally the kid checked the calendar and found that
it had Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday and Saturday but he couldn’t
find Someday. He finally asked his mom why he couldn’t find Someday on the calendar and
she told him that it was not on the calendar. She had to explain to the poor kid that Someday
is really never.
Unfortunately, we have all been told by our preachers that Jesus is going to return “Someday”.
I have the difficult task of explaining to you that Someday is really "never".
The preachers are convinced that Jesus told his disciples that he is going to return on
Someday and the disciples were somehow satisfied knowing that he is never going to
return. So I searched the scriptures over and found out that Jesus never did say he would
return someday, he said he would appear within the lifetime of his audience. How our
preachers got Someday out of that is still beyond my comprehension. They have even
created a mode where Jesus meant for us to be perpetually ready for his return even if it is
thousands of years away. That would be like telling your kids they can have lunch someday
far and unknown in the future. The kid would actually starve to death just like the church is
doing. We finally have to admit that, like grampa, they just don’t want to accept the truth.
The lie is more exciting somehow and brings in the dollars. Jesus was never ambiguous
about his parousia. He gave straightforward time statements that all of his disciples
understood and could count on. The apostles must have understood it because they
preached an imminent end of the present world and a soon approaching new heavens and
earth. History makes it clear that Jesus made no mistake. Someday had no part in it.
I have the difficult task of explaining to you that Someday is really "never".
The preachers are convinced that Jesus told his disciples that he is going to return on
Someday and the disciples were somehow satisfied knowing that he is never going to
return. So I searched the scriptures over and found out that Jesus never did say he would
return someday, he said he would appear within the lifetime of his audience. How our
preachers got Someday out of that is still beyond my comprehension. They have even
created a mode where Jesus meant for us to be perpetually ready for his return even if it is
thousands of years away. That would be like telling your kids they can have lunch someday
far and unknown in the future. The kid would actually starve to death just like the church is
doing. We finally have to admit that, like grampa, they just don’t want to accept the truth.
The lie is more exciting somehow and brings in the dollars. Jesus was never ambiguous
about his parousia. He gave straightforward time statements that all of his disciples
understood and could count on. The apostles must have understood it because they
preached an imminent end of the present world and a soon approaching new heavens and
earth. History makes it clear that Jesus made no mistake. Someday had no part in it.
This is the same thing that evolutionist do when they teach of millions of years for evolution
to take place. That is the same thing as saying “Someday”. It is a diversion because they
have no real answer. Every New Testament writer promoted an imminent return in power to
judge and to consummate the everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ. Please stop waiting for
Someday and get busy today. The life of the church depends on it.
to take place. That is the same thing as saying “Someday”. It is a diversion because they
have no real answer. Every New Testament writer promoted an imminent return in power to
judge and to consummate the everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ. Please stop waiting for
Someday and get busy today. The life of the church depends on it.