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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Well, Trump really did it this time!

Well, Trump really did it this
By Richard P. Joseph

In December, 2017 President Donald J. Trump declared that he will
recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  As you can guess this
started a hailstorm of comments by so called prophecy watchers that
this is yet another marker of the end times.  Of course I have been hearing
this same trumpet for my entire life.  I was born just before John Kennedy
took office and from my earliest memories starting with Nixon I have been
hearing the same worn out story using the same worn out scriptures.
 Of course the scriptures are not worn out, it is the false prophets that are
worn out.  Here is how the story goes.  
Israel returns to their homeland.  A European union reforms.  There is a
false messiah set up who declares “peace,peace”.  Then Russia drops a
nuclear bomb on Israel.  Then there is a rapture and planes fall from the
sky.  Then the earth burns up with fire.  Then there is 1,000 years where
Jesus is king of a burnt up earth with his saints.  Then the church people
that fell for this garbage will still be arguing over when the rapture is
supposed to be.  Then bla bla bla.   While doing all of this they pull
scriptures out of context at random to prove each point.  And all that
really happens is a few slick scam artists are making a lot of money and
the world is going to pot because of all of the faulty theology out there.  
I love Donald Trump but I hope he stops getting sucked in by these false
prophets of doom.  I would like to sit down with him and explain that none
of the above scenario is anywhere in scripture.  Here is what Jesus
thought of Israel.  
37 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones
those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your
children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her
wings, and you were unwilling.38 Behold, your house is being
left to you desolate! 39 For I say to you, from now on you will
not see Me until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name
of the Lord!’”  Matthew 23:37-39
Jesus promised them that their house would be left desolate.
The new house was being built by the disciples and called the
church.  The disciples asked Jesus when would this take place.
Jesus made it clear by multiple parables and sayings that it
would be the current generation of people that would experience
all of this calamity.  In fact he just got done saying it in Matthew
36 Truly I say to you, all these things will come upon this
I would have to quote the entire New Testament if you want
more passages like the one above.  In fact I challenge you to
go back and read the entire New Testament keeping in mind
when Jesus was going to return and who he was going to
punish.  Let me give you a hint; it was soon and it was
unfaithful Israel.  It was not thousands of years later and it was
not his church.  It was not Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush,
etc, Gorbachev, Husain, Mae, or Trump. The book of Revelation,
which was written circa AD63 was the announcement that the
second coming was about to begin.  In seven years it was all
over.  If you want more information about what happened,
please leave a comment and ask.  

Oh, ps I think Trump did the right thing!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Bring your tithes into the storehouse!

Bring your tithe into the storehouse!
By Richard P. Joseph

Perhaps the favorite verse that pastors use to squeeze more money out of their parishioners is Malachi 3:10;  
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,”
Says the Lord of hosts,
“If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
The preacher will usually get up on his soap box and tell the people that if they tithe then God will bless them with all sorts of material rewards.  Then they explain that tithing is 10% of your GROSS income, not your net.  This of course would cause most of us to lose our homes.  I just got done reading the book of Malachi and, surprise, surprise, I got a slightly different view.
The prophet Malachi was the last recorded prophet before the New Testament.  The book was actually written to the priesthood, not to the people in general.  It was aimed at the sons of Levi.  The priesthood was established by Moses to serve in the temple and was a picture of what the messiah would do in reality.  A type and antitype.   However, like anything else humans get their hands on, it became corrupt.  The priests would actually bribe the sitting king with large sums of money to gain the coveted position of High Priest.  Like modern politicians, they would line their pockets with the revenue that was squeezed out of the common man through heavy and burdensome taxation.  This is the money that Malachi said never got to the storehouses.  The money from the common worker was never in doubt as we are quite familiar with the ruthless methods of the tax collectors and the money changers in the temple courts.  The money flowed in but for some odd reason never made it to the storehouses for
proper usage.
“A son honors his father,
And a servant his master.
If then I am the Father,
Where is My honor?
And if I am a Master,
Where is My reverence?
Says the Lord of hosts
To you priests who despise My name.
Yet you say, ‘In what way have we despised Your name?’
Mal 1:6-7
 Malachi has strong words for the priests of his day and warned them of the coming doom which finally occurred when John the Baptist began quoting from Malachi during his mission.  
So while it is good to support your church, it is the leaders of that church that is responsible for bringing the tithes of the people into the proper storehouses; not in their pockets or in baseball diamonds or into any other ridiculous man made scheme.  The storehouse is not necessarily even the church organization like they make you think, it is to be used to advance the kingdom of God and to serve the hurting people.  

Tithing is not a New Testament principle as is the case for any law.  The old civil law gave way to the personal law.  Things of the old covenant are now converted to a personal covenant between the believer and the saviour  (see my article “the end of the law”).    As far as the book of Malachi is concerned, he warned of the pending doom that Jesus brought with him at his second coming.  The evil priesthood ended when the true High Priest overthrew their city and leveled it to the ground and out of the ashes rose the everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ.  

Monday, October 23, 2017

The Good Samaritan "from Galilee"

The Good Samaritan “from Galilee”
By Richard P. Joseph
I stole this picture from the internet.  I hope I don’t get sued….

I have heard several sermons in my life on the story of the good Samaritan and they always focus on the lesson of helping the downtrodden and being a caring and generous person.  There is nothing wrong with that as that is what we should strive to be.  However, I recently heard a radio preacher talk about who the good Samaritan actually is and he said it was Jesus.  That should be obvious but it wasn’t to me because I have never heard it put that way.  He didn’t expound much more on the subject but it prompted me to go over the story again but this time looking at Jesus as the Samaritan.   Once we look close at scripture in its historical context, things begin to clear up.
In Luke chapter 10 we are all familiar with the story of the Good Samaritan; or are we?   It starts out with a Jewish lawyer who was an expert in the Mosaic law who was embarrassed about his rhetorical question that he asked Jesus.  In order to justify his arrogance he asked Jesus “who is my neighbor”?  Jesus then told him the story of a man that was robbed and left for dead.  Then two “well to do” shepherds of Israel saw the man and passed by on the other side.  Then a man of Samaria saved the man’s life.   
After hearing sermons on this for years one concludes that the guy who got robbed is our neighbor and that we should help our neighbors in their time of need.  That isn’t all bad except that isn’t who our neighbor is according to Jesus.  The neighbor, according to the story, is the person who “has mercy on the victim”, not the victim.  The neighbor is the Good Samaritan.  
According to the story line, those that claim that they are the people’s neighbors (the priests and lawyers), are really con-artists and hypocrites.  Then a social outcast from a mixed breed of people shows up and becomes the real neighbor.  The Samaritan man has pity on the victim and bandages him up, puts him on his own beast and takes him to a safe inn.  Then the good neighbor pays the medical costs and says that he is going on a trip and that he will soon return and upon his return he will give the innkeeper his final payment.    This story is eerily similar to another bible story we all know.
In John  7 we read about people discussing whether or not Jesus was a legitimate candidate for the messiahship.
41 Still others asked, “How can the Messiah come from Galilee? 42 Does not Scripture say that the Messiah will come from David’s descendants and from Bethlehem, the town where David lived?”
Later on, Nicodemus tried to plead with the pharisees to be easy on Jesus but they ridiculed him and said;
52 They replied, “Are you from Galilee, too? Look into it, and you will find that a prophet does not come out of Galilee.”
They first make it clear that Jesus is a social outcast from a dumpy city called Nazareth in an out of the way place that has no significance (Just like they thought of Samaritans).  The Jewish leadership had a long history of abusing the common person in order to gain riches and status.  They would actually bribe the sitting king with large sums of money in order to gain control of the High Priesthood.  They, of course, would get this money by imposing a heavy, burdensome tax upon the common citizen.  The common man was beat down and left for dead just like the man in the story.  Jesus, the social outcast,  then arrives and bandages his people up and invites them to himself “for his yoke is easy and his burden is light”.  He then puts the people in the care of the innkeepers (the church)and pays the price for them with his own blood. He then goes away for a period of 40 years and upon his return he repaid his faithful innkeepers and destroyed the evil hypocrites.

I believe the story of the Good Samaritan is yet another visual of the life of Christ including his return in AD70 to reward his faithful followers.  It is stories like this that has hidden in it the prophecies of Jesus Christ so that nothing can be faked.  Just like the Old Testament has hidden in it the very life and mission of Jesus, especially in the seven Jewish holidays.  

Friday, September 22, 2017

Earthquakes in various places

Earthquakes in Various Places
By Richard P. Joseph

We are all familiar with the Olivet discourse as Jesus was instructing his disciples of what was soon to occur specifically concerning his parousia in judgement against unfaithful Israel.  In Matthew 24:7 Jesus tells them that there would be famines and earthquakes in various places.  Jesus said this would signal the beginning of the end.  
This verse is a godsend, pardon the pun, to futurist during this past month.  With a stellar line-up of hurricanes hitting the islands and gulf and earthquakes striking Mexico this past month alone, futurist prophecy of Christ’s return is in high gear.  The only problem with that is that every time there is a huge earthquake, futurist prophecy organizations go into high gear as this is opportune time to rake in the money from gullible people.
Another slight problem is that none of the disciples get to see it.
Matthew 24:9 clearly puts the disciples into the mix of final events indicating that the second coming would be in their lifetimes.  
9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.
Another problem is Revelation 16.  Revelation 16:17-21 seems to support the Matthew 24 earthquake scenario.  
17 Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, “It is done!” 18 And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth. 19 Now the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. And great Babylon was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath. 20 Then every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. 21 And great hail from heaven fell upon men, each hailstone about the weight of a talent. Men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, since that plague was exceedingly great.                                                    Verses 18-19 indicate that there was an earthquake so severe that it was unique to the earth.  Now, if I remember right, during the flood the earth quaked so bad that the foundations of the great deep broke up releasing oceans of water.  This water, coupled with the water from the ice canopy above the earth, resulted in the deluge of Noah’s days.  No earthquake in the first century, and there were many, nor after was ever as huge as during the flood.  That is why this particular earthquake is of a different sort.  Here is what we know about this particular earthquake;  1. It was in Jerusalem (Great Babylon), not in Cuba or the Virgin Islands or Mexico, 2. Great hailstones weighing a talent rained down on them to make matters worse, 3. The city was divided into three parts by it.  4. It was the complete end of an era (verse 17).
So, what we need to find out is when was Jerusalem divided into three parts by a severe “earthquake” and when were talent sized hailstones pounding the city?  
What we know from historical accounts from Josephus et al is that during the Jewish war against Rome, the zealot factions began a rebellion between AD 64-70.  The zealot factions finally broke into three distinct groups lead by Eleazar B. Ananias, John of Gischala and Simon B. Giora.  Eleazar secured the temple mount as his base of operations.  John controlled the lower part of the city while Simon held the upper section of Jerusalem.  They were entangled in a heated three sided civil war thinking that Jerusalem would soon be freed from Roman occupation and one of them would become king of Israel.  This effectively divided Jerusalem up into three parts like never before. What ensued were plagues and pestilences causing men to curse God for the plague.  Once they adequately weakened themselves and the people in their bloody war of greed, the Romans finally arrived and, according to Josephus, slung burning stones against the city weighing a talent each.  And this all occurring during a 3 ½ period of time we like to call the outpouring of wrath (see verse 19 above).  
The earthquake that hit while Jesus was on the cross had a specific spiritual dimension attached to it just like this one did.  When the ground shook while he was on the cross it tore the curtain in the temple in two exposing the holy of holies.  This second earthquake split the harlot in pieces exposing them to the Roman army for a final destruction of a corrupt and unfaithful people thus completing the parousia of Christ.  
Ezekiel also talks about Jerusalem being split in three in chapter 5. His prophecy may very well describe this era and I encourage you to read through that also.

Maybe I can’t prove my point but everything seems to fit like a glove.  So, while scam false messiahs are running around setting up coin exchange tables at every church, I smile and drive right past them.  Knowing the truth and having a grasp of real history keeps me safe from being deceived just like Jesus warned the disciples about.  If you would like more information on first century history, I recommend getting a copy of “The Final Decade” by Ed Stevens at www.preterist.org .  One thing that I have found out is that most, and I mean most, Christians have no clue about historical biblical studies.  I actually don’t know much myself but the little I know has truly enhanced my understanding of the bible and of prophecy.  As always, if you have any questions concerning fulfilled prophecy, leave me a comment.  

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Blood Moons

The Blood Moons

By Richard P. Joseph


    Do a google search on blood moons and you will get a handful of futurist prophecy.  I listened to some and they had some partial truth mixed with some great money making schemes;  "Just send $49.99 and you can get the answers to the future end of the world".  You will find out how to get a telescope and observe if there is a blood moon then you will know the end of the world is really close but just keep sending the money!  Sounds pretty stupid doesn’t it?  Not really, people are eating this stuff up like it is going out of style.  However, on my blog you can hear the truth and it’s actually free.  You can send me money if you want but I am not asking you to.  If you have an extra million laying around then send it along but it won’t change me from speaking the truth to telling you a bunch of lies.

    So, to answer Pilate’s question “so what is the truth”, here it goes.  The Old Testament is full of apocalyptic language.  This is a manner of the descriptive vernacular that the ancient Hebrews used in order to convey an earth changing event.  It is a form of literature that uses astronomical sources to portray a major shift in history.  If you remember Joseph used the sun and the moon to indicate that even his parents would bow down before him.  The prophets used this type of imagery all throughout the Old Testament.  Joel was one of the many prophets to use this type of language to convey events that were messianic in nature. 

    The second chapter of Joel is wroth with apocalyptic language.  


The sun shall be turned into darkness,

And the moon into blood,

Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord. Joel 2:31

In that chapter I can possibly pick out the Roman army coming in judgement, John the Baptist warning them, Jesus offering them the new wine, etc. etc.  Of course Peter used that exact chapter to proclaim that those very words were being fulfilled as he spoke.  

Jeremiah also warns them in chapter 31.  He says that there will be a new covenant established.  Then he uses the astronomical bodies to convey his prophecy.

Thus says the Lord,

Who gives the sun for a light by day,

The ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night,...

Jeremiah then goes on to say:

“If those ordinances depart

From before Me, says the Lord,

Then the seed of Israel shall also cease

From being a nation before Me forever.”

Now listen to what Jesus said in Matthew 24:29

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

It looks to me as if Jesus is making a direct comment on Jeremiah 31:36.  He is claiming that the heavenly bodies will depart their positions and the sun and moon will not give their light.  Now if I sold you a video that explained that as soon as you see the stars disappear and the sun stops shining and the moon stops its nightly reflecting, I bet you all would be sending me $49.99 as fast as you can.  But if I try to tell you that it is really a figure of speech indicating that a major spiritual and covenantal shift was about to occur you would deem me a heretic and an idiot.  But, according to Peter, I am telling you the truth.  The truth is, is that the second coming occurred in the first century just as Jesus and the apostles said it would.  The sun was darkened and the moon was turned to blood and the stars departed from their positions.  The world of the Jews was tipped upside down, the unfaithful harlot of unbelieving Jews was completely destroyed and the new covenant was established with the church.  We are now living in that new covenant and it is time we start acting like it.  We have squandered 2,000 years teaching false doctrine when in fact we are supposed to be advancing the victorious gospel of Jesus Christ and ruling this world instead of defaulting our position to others such as Islamic terrorists, homosexual activists, corrupt bankers, religious people etc.  Once we realize that we have the power in our own hands to advance a just and peaceful world, nothing will be able to stop us.  That is our calling and it is time we seize the day.    

Sunday, July 23, 2017

"Hail King Jesus"

“Hail King Jesus”
By Richard P. Joseph

Image result for pictures of king jesus

When Jesus walked the streets of Jerusalem people were so impressed with his power, his authority, and his miracles that they were planning on seizing him and forcing him to take the throne and save them from the grip of the Romans.  In fact the Devil himself offered the throne to Jesus if he would just fall down and worship him.

John 6:15  Therefore when Jesus perceived that they were about to come and take Him by force to make Him king, He departed again to the mountain by Himself alone.

Luke 4:5   Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him[d] all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”

We all know that Jesus rejected man’s plan to place him on the throne of David, but why?  Putting ourselves in their shoes I would be one of those that would be zealous for Israel and would want a righteous king to rule just like we long for a righteous president in our own time.  Fortunately, God had a plan that was much more effective than what us mere men can concoct.  Since Jesus was a descendant of David, he had legal standing to challenge the throne of Israel.  This was taken so seriously by the Sanhedrin that they plotted to kill him in order to avert this action from ever taking place.  All rulers fear the toppling of their throne.  That is one reason that people were absolutely shocked when George Washington did not seek a third term.  The rest of the world could not understand that a leader of a nation would give up his rule by choice(term limits were not imposed at that time).  The world was even more shocked that the United States had a constitution that did not allow one to become a king or a tyrant over the people and even worse yet, no caste system!    All men were created equal according the the United States Constitution.  
Getting back to ancient Israel, Jesus had a right to challenge the throne.  The fear in King Herod (a vassal king to Rome), feared the birth of Jesus so much that he ordered the slaughter of every male child in Bethlehem, two years old and younger.  However, when Jesus was an adult, Caesar did not appoint a king in Jerusalem as he deemed no one fit at the time but rather appointed a procurator.  That allowed the High Priest to yield a considerable amount of power.  The High Priesthood was established by Moses, not as a political office but rather one that was a shadow of the Messiah.  The High Priest  is the one who entered the Holy of Holies each year to atone for the sins of Israel.  However, starting at the time that the Persians ruled over Israel after the first temple was destroyed, the High Priesthood became a political office and the priest who could offer the most money to the king of Persia would become ruler in Israel.  Of course the only way to get more money is to rape the people of taxes until they were ground into the dust. That type of system continued even throughout the Roman occupation period.   Not too much different than us today.  Therefore, when the leadership of the Jews finally determined that this Jewish Carpenter from some out of the way slum town was gaining a massive following, they panicked and brought him before Pilot.  When Pilate asked him if he was indeed a king Jesus answered in the affirmative.  
Then Jesus asked Pilot a funny question;
John 18:34  Jesus answered him, “Are you speaking for yourself about this, or did others tell you this concerning Me?”
You don’t hear many sermons about this passage because it is subjective and obscure but I have an idea what he might be getting at.  It appears that Jesus was asking Pilot if he was afraid of losing his position to him or if the Priests were afraid for themselves.  Obviously, it was the priests that were afraid of losing their luxurious lifestyle to this common man.  Then Jesus assured Pilot that he was not after his earthly throne.  
John 18:36   Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world.
Jesus had no intention of becoming an earthly king even though many people wanted him to be one.  Jesus’ plan from the beginning was to rule from heaven where he could spread his gospel in every part of the earth with no physical restrictions at all.  This brings us to the question of the millennial reign.  People back then were attempting to make him a physical king and those that are still waiting for the millennial reign to occur are doing the exact same thing that they were doing back then; trying to force Jesus to become a physical king on this earth.  That is where the preterist doctrine is useful.
Taking the bible in context it appears that the millennial reign of Christ was the forty year period from 30-70 AD, not some future event.  The millennial reign was something that already occurred when Jesus put down his enemies (the unfaithful Jews) and then began his eternal earthly kingdom where he rules from heaven.  His kingdom on earth will have no end and his heavenly kingdom doesn’t either.  Most ancient Jews used the term “1,000 years” to denote an epic event of an undetermined amount of time.  Looking back we now can determine that it was a 40 year transition period where Jesus and his resurrected elect ruled over Satan's earth and finally put Satan and the unbelievers down.  The futurist doctrine is prone to repeat the exact same mistakes they made in the first century (those that do not know history are bound to repeat it).  That is why I encourage all Christians to engage in studying the historical setting of the bible times in order to be able to interpret scripture in its proper context.  A good historical understanding will help you not make the same mistakes that previous generations made.  It will also make all of the pieces of the biblical puzzle fit together properly without forcing them.  

Thursday, June 29, 2017

"All" Millennial

“All” millennial
By Richard P. Joseph

I was trying to find a good sermon on my drive home from work but I have to admit, I am tired of the “tow the line” sermons that make me cringe these days.  I came across Dr. David Jeremiah and he gave a lesson on the millennium.   He correctly interpreted the word as 1,000 years but said nothing about it’s meaning to first century Jews.  He then went on to explain the top three theories on the millennial reign of Christ.  I think he said postmillennial, premillennial and amillennial.  He said nothing about preterism. He then chose the one he believed in and I can’t remember which one, I think post, but don’t quote me.  
After all that, he explained that it is a future event.  He rapidly quoted several Old Testament verses to support the idea that there would be such a thing as a millennial reign of the Christ but he forgot one minute detail during his sermon; audience relevance!
Dr. Jeremiah pulled all of those ancient verses out and immediately applied them to modern day United States thinking, never once referring to historical setting, historical occurrences or historical thought.  I cannot tell you how dangerous it is to pull verses out of the bible and attempt to interpret and apply them completely out of context.  That is exactly how cults start up.   Like Ed Stephens always says “context is king”.  The reason there are so many theories about the millennial reign is because they are not based on historical facts, they are based on current thought.  In other words they are just making things up as they go and that is why I am creating a new phrase; “All Millennial”.  
In order to eliminate the All Millennial views one must conduct a research based on Audience relevance.  This is the common research method for serious preterist scholars.   As I study preterist historians and scholars I find them connecting scripture with history, with time relevant documents, with audience relevance and even with a little common sense.  None of those items are ever or rarely mentioned in futurist sermons about eschatological events. It seems to always be about the “me” doctrine.  The futurists of today are preaching from the “church of what’s happenin’ now”.  I just looked over much of Ed Steven’s studies on this and it focused heavily on audience relevance showing that the millennial reign is most probably the 40 year period between the cross and the fall of Jerusalem.  This type of detective work is necessary in order to fully understand eschatology.  My purpose for this article is not to explain the millennial reign fully but to introduce new people of preterism to the way it is done in our camp.  We don’t just read ancient scripture and pretend we can grasp it’s full meaning without a basic understanding of the culture in which it was originally written.  Scripture is fully relevant to us today but it must be interpreted from a time relevant stance.  In fact the number 1,000 was really used as a symbolic number in many cases instead of an actual number. For example Psalm 50:10 talks about God owning the cattle on a thousand hills. Do you really think David meant exactly 1,000? Of course not. He only meant that God owned all the cattle. God is not in want.
If you are interested in learning more about the millennium then I suggest you visit www.preterist.org and contact Ed Stevens. Ed has uncovered ancient rabbinical documents that suggest that the millennium was an undisclosed period of time of various lengths in which the messiah was to put his enemies under his feet. He would love to share his knowledge with you.  Don’t just simply believe what you hear, look into it and find out what you are “not” being told.  Dr. Jeremiah is a great guy and has helped many people but he has bought into the futurist doctrine hook, line and sinker.  I believe he is not helping people when he gives them an American view of scripture instead of a Hebrew view.   As I read more and more ancient literature, my eyes are opened to a better understanding of scripture.  For example, I was reading in the Book of Jubilees and came across this sentence; And we remember the righteousness which the man fulfilled during his life, at all periods of the year; until a thousand generations they will record it, and it will come to him and to his descendants after him, and he hath been recorded on the heavenly tables as a friend and righteous man. 26:20.

So I ask, does the “thousand” mean an exact thousand generations or does it really mean that this greatness will be remembered and celebrated for many generations or otherwise as a notable event? You make the call.  The millennium is just such a phrase.  It does not mean an exact 1,000 years, it more than likely denotes a notable period of time where certain events must occur in order to fulfill prophecy.  Most full preterists assign this as the 40 year transition period between the cross and the end of the age which was finally consummated in the year AD70 thus ushering in the everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ.  There is always an ongoing study for more clues and mysteries but you can rest assured, we will keep on digging.